Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Uuggg..Feminist does NOT = lesbian

It seems that every time, or at least most of the time people talk about feminism, lesbianism is soon to follow (check out the YouTube video "quick Q&A on feminism" and you'll see what I mean).

Feminism does not equal lesbianism. Having pride in your vagina, does not mean you want to get into someone else's.

A woman can be;
1) a lesbian and not be a feminist
2) a lesbian and a feminist
3) a feminist and not a lesbian
4) or neither

It really doesn't matter. People are just ignorant of what feminism is. Spreading feminism is about spreading knowledge, about being HUMAN and being equal!

And since people often wonder, for the record I'm strictly dickly.


Anonymous said...

I am the person who filmed the movie. One of the questions I asked was what the relationship between feminism and lesbianism -- because although I didn't know a lot about feminism when shooting the movie, it seemed there was some connection. As you can see from the movie, there is at least one person who has been both a feminist AND a lesbian for 30+ years who says that feminism would not have existed without lesbianism. This itself is a topic that could have been explored beyond the superficial, but I did not. I had a set of questions I wanted to ask, and I took the hours I filmed and culled them down to the seven minutes that was allowed by the project.

You express frustration at the responses, but please keep in mind you might express frustration with they way you would be portrayed when your words are edited and you end up on the big and/or small screen. Better to blame me as the film's shooter than anyone. I thought there was a connection with these two subjects, so I wanted to at least ask the question.

Out of curiosity, do you think there is a connection between feminism and lesbianism?


theCougar said...

Okay? In my opinion, feminism and lesbianism are related to an extent in that they both have ideals that give attention to women. They are also interrelated in that feminism and lesbianism are about being human. In that people shouldn’t be discriminated against because of their gender or sexual preference.

My frustration stems for the ignorance of people in the world that do not ask questions, and automatically assume that because I am a feminist I must also be a lesbian. Even my friends, people that know me, they make comments hinting at that they believe I am a lesbian, because of my “vagina pride”.

I would think that a lesbian would also be a feminist but I don’t know because I’m not experienced in the matter. As a pretty hardcore feminist I am very interested in women and their interests. In my feminist blogging I am always learning more about women; and lesbianism is sometime part of that.
