Sunday, April 22, 2007

your Third Eye is Blind to Feminism

Stephen Jenkins lead singer of Third Eye Blind claims the stance of feminists to be "weak", Saturday, April 21 after a concert at Babson College, Wellesley MA. Now I am paraphrasing a lil bit but that is basically what he said. Yes I heard this with my own ears people--his words stirred deep inside of me... He went on for a few minutes as to all the various reason in which he believes us (people who are feminist)to be weak. Jenkins' reasons were that feminist separated themselves making themselves unequal..blahh blahh blahh and that we (all people) are all one yada yada yada...He went on to say that we're all human, that he is a black women, china man, Latino and named other various races, ethnicities, to make the point that ya know we as living, breathing, people should come together and not separate ourselves into such categories. Although I believe that every living, breathing human should be treated equally--regardless of whether we like it or not our society loves labels-they can't get enough of them in fact.

And sorry Jenkins you're not a woman no matter how much you think we are all one and whatnot--yeah not so much. People's differences is what makes the world beautiful and amazing, so yeah if we all truly were "one" than the world just wouldn't be half as much fun or interesting...and well I wouldn't be blogging about this right now--not that you probably care but you were right I was getting mad about your comments, but I will agree to disagree with you on this one. And although you may know how to get into a vagina, you have no true idea of what it's like to actually have one. Just like I don't know how it is to be a man, or anything else but a Caucasian, middle class female.

Okay..yeah I feel better now...

Aside from that concert was awesome I jammed out, I'm not gonna lie..and like who doesn't wanna meet a rockstar? I mean I had him sign my arm before we had this convo.

So this is how this lil convo came to be:
After the show my friend Hannah (major fan) and I got to chat with Jenkins. It was random, there was a group of people around and Hannah, Jenkins and I started talking. He made some comment to me, and my response surprised him a little. Anyway, whatever I said was motivated by my pride in my vagina...I don't know, the night was a bit of a blur but regardless, I was upset to hear him--a man who is able to sing in such ways that touches women (by women I mean me, Hannah and any other 3eb female fan), then also turn around and call me "weak"...damn...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Feminism on Emmanuel College Campus

This is Put you Vs up's first and very own video. In it I went around EC campus asking random students/faculty members about feminism and its relevance in today’s society. I know the video quality isn't top notch but something went wrong with the file and how it was processed. Regardless you get the gist and we worked hard on putting it together. Just getting people to talk about feminism was difficult, as soon as people heard the f-word they tended to turn the other way. Special thanks to Bryan for all your hard work, not many guys would help a crazy Cougar ransack college students with ideas of feminism—your help is much appreciated.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A good Law for Women

"I'm interested in who we are--internally and externally. Each person instinctively creates their own shapes,” says Natasha Law in Elle mag’s February 2007 issue. Law currently lives in London as an artist who creates multi media images of women; in which the motions and emotion of a woman’s body are captured. The women in her artwork are not posed but rather in more natural positions of an “average” women rather than a supermodel. Law’s images give new form to the beauty of women’s bodies.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The original Nelly Furtado

I love Nelly, she rocks out and speaks her mind whether she's like a bird or a promiscuous girl. love her..enjoy..happy friday

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Imus the Objectifier

Okay so right...Imus what were you thinking? It's not even the whole racial bullshit that really gets to me. It's the fact the Imus is talking shit about the Rutgers Women's Basketball team because of what they look like. Since when does it matter what you look like if you're good at what you do? Those women are damn good basketball players (didn't they kick some ass that day on the court?), who cares what they look like--black/white--nappy/perfect hair, they can play the game. It's just bullshit how women, no matter who they are, are objectified in the world of sports.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Peace Out with your Vs Out

The Cougar is currently on vacation. No new posts until next week, try to survive without me, although I know it will be difficult. I'll do my best to bring back some tropically inspired images of feminism.

put your Vs up

Rockin' Females

There's just something about Courtney Love--crazy/beautiful...and I love Hole also.